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kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present

"a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead"  "THE LETTER" (part of the installation- 2021)

"a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead"  (installation- 2021)



"a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead"  (installation- 2021)

A spatial blend between a very technical set-up and dramatic / poetic issues.

As we know the "Don't tell God your plans"-series as a 2D-matter, this work is

a sequel in 3D.  Mixed media: photogrammetry, body distortions, 3D-printing,

matrix, moulding, lasercutting.

measurements installation: 120 x 50 cm x 130 cm (H) / 47,24 x 19,7 x 51,2 inch

kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present


kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present

This installation has derived from “the letter” (above), which is an impregnating declaration of love from the character Gustav to the woman he adores to infinity.


He is literally trying to elevate her to a higher dimension that should fit her even better than the sweet skin she wears now.


Simultaneous with these intentions, the fear overwhelms him that his lover's "dimension upgrade" will strip him of connection to her mind and body and he would be left in the current dimension without ever being able to see, smell, feel her again...


In order to honor his beloved to this higher dimension, but also above all not to want to lose his grip on her, he adjusts his plans and proceeds in the execution to a "dimension extraction”. /2D


He wants to fully unfold her, dissecting her to its maximum 2D surface, to the exact surface of an Olympic swimming pool which he has calculated meticulously mathematically. (cfr: installation “A letter in your writing doesn’t mean your not dead”)                                       … up to "a tactile human atlas"    ( work in progress )


This installation shows her unfolded skin, hair, crushed bones, residual air from her lungs,… rather psychopathically elaborated and registered..


kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present

"a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead"  (installation- 2021)

A spatial blend between a very technical set-up and dramatic / poetic issues.

As we know the "Don't tell God your plans"-series as a 2D-matter, this work is

a sequel in 3D.  Mixed media: photogrammetry, body distortions, 3D-printing,

matrix, moulding, lasercutting.

measurements installation: 120 x 50 cm x 130 cm (H) / 47,24 x 19,7 x 51,2 inch

kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present



kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present


kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present


kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present


"a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead"  (installation- 2021)

A spatial blend between a very technical set-up and dramatic / poetic issues.

As we know the "Don't tell God your plans"-series as a 2D-matter, this work is

a sequel in 3D.  Mixed media: photogrammetry, body distortions, 3D-printing,

matrix, moulding, lasercutting.

measurements installation: 120 x 50 cm x 130 cm (H) / 47,24 x 19,7 x 51,2 inch

kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present


kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present


"a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead"  (installation- 2021)

A spatial blend between a very technical set-up and dramatic / poetic issues.

As we know the "Don't tell God your plans"-series as a 2D-matter, this work is

a sequel in 3D.  Mixed media: photogrammetry, body distortions, 3D-printing,

matrix, moulding, lasercutting.

measurements installation: 120 x 50 cm x 130 cm (H) / 47,24 x 19,7 x 51,2 inch



kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present



kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present
kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present
kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present

"a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead"  (installation- 2021)

A spatial blend between a very technical set-up and dramatic / poetic issues.

As we know the "Don't tell God your plans"-series as a 2D-matter, this work is

a sequel in 3D.  Mixed media: photogrammetry, body distortions, 3D-printing,

matrix, moulding, lasercutting.

measurements installation: 120 x 50 cm x 130 cm (H) / 47,24 x 19,7 x 51,2 inch

kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present


kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present


kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present
kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present
kortenberg letter installatie skin, huid, hair, skelet, installation, psycho erps-kwerps serendipiteit artfair dark belgium artist kunst god plans contemporary art gustav bert koeck brussels artistic art investment visual artist succesful beautiful passion art gallery galerie affordable photography best unbelievable great  body soul experiment new york brussels paris barcelona berlin london body painting naked nude serendipity exposure exposition fingerspitzengefühl atmosphere composition laser light avant-garde techniek DIY museum present




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